Until today, I thought nobody could. But now, thanks to TheDieline.com I believe I may have found the answer:
The Wine Can

(photo borrowed from TheDieLine.com - please visit their site for more photos and other cool designs)
Not ANY old can, but a gloriously modern looking package with matt colours, nice graphics, and it is easily recyclable (I believe).
Of course, this is only at the prototype stage, but apparently the designers are looking for investors (and presumably wineries) to get involved and get this to market.
Of course, the issue will be cost. As with all innovations, this will probably be expensive, at least at first, on a per unit basis. The effect will be either to make the wine in this can appear more expensive than it is (limiting sales), or will require the marketing/distribution company to fill it with cheaper wine to offset this.
That would be a shame. What would be interesting would be to see an innovative, premium priced brand take the plunge and provide good quality wine in this package to attract early adopters to buy it AND enjoy the wine inside.
I'm always on the look out for packaging that is interesting, so if you know of any other such developments, please do let me know.
its good but does remind me of under-arm deodorant.
Lynx perhaps?!
Wouldn't have thought of it, except for Andrew putting the thought in my head ... you could come up with some very weird advertising!
On a serious note - this would have to be for wine to consume quickly. Ageing wine in cans would certainly open up some interesting debate ...
still think its cool packaging (for a can)
yes, it would have to be consumed quickly, but most wine is consumed within 24 hours of being bought, never mind 24 months.
The issue would be to make people want to buy cans so it didn't sit on the shelf at the store for too long.
It is still a can after all, so I still would have to taste the wine to see that it was properly inert as a container.
I still think, as cans go, something like this is pretty cool
Its an interesting packaging concept, but I still question why anyone would want to drink wine from a can?
Pamela @ enobytes
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